Finding a Place for Falstaff: Language and Creativity in the Australian English Curriculum
Australian Association for the Teaching of English and Victorian Association for the Teaching of English
Presentation: Maggie Garrard
Topic: Persuasive text: using media texts to support persuasive language and writing in the classroom
Venue: Melbourne Cricket Ground, Vic
Website: -
Finding a Place for Falstaff: Language and Creativity in the Australian English Curriculum
Australian Association for the Teaching of English and Victorian Association for the Teaching of English
Presentation: Maggie Garrard
Topic: Multi-modal teaching and learning resources: The shape of the future is to equip students with skills and knowledge to operate effectively in the digital age
Venue: Melbourne Cricket Ground, Vic
Website: The creation, access and availability of digital learning resources both online and on DVD-ROMS support the teaching of e:literacies. The accessibility of our students to digital technologies make it imperative for teachers to engage with new pedagogies to utilise these resources and technologies to the fullest extent. This workshop will demonstrate how the recent ACTF productions and resources can support teachers in the implementation of new Australian Curriculum expectations. We will examine Lockie Leonard, My Place, Dogstar and Animalia, all well known written texts which have been adapted to the screen.