What does the ACTF do?
The Australian Children’s Television Foundation (ACTF) is a national children’s media production and policy hub that seeks to be the leading body in Australian children’s media. This is achieved through a wide range of functions, including:
- Investing in the development of, and distributing, high quality Australian children’s television, film and new media content.
- Developing valuable multimedia education resources based on Australian children’s programs.
- Operating as a voice in policy matters that relate to the industry, helping to develop policy that ensures Australian children continue to have access to high quality content created for them.

What is the ACTF's ABN number?

Can I get an internship (as a tertiary student) at the ACTF?
The ACTF occasionally offers internships within its development and production area, with a focus on script and project development, depending on the projects we are involved in at the time. If you are looking for an internship in development and/or script writing, contact Bernadette O’Mahony, Head of Content, for further details.

Can I get work experience (as a high school student) at the ACTF?
The ACTF will be offering Work Experience placement in 2022. For further information, including where to apply, please click here

Who can I speak to about my great idea or script for a children's television program?
The ACTF engages with Australian producers and writers at the earliest stages of development, investing small amounts across a broad range of projects. Projects are assessed for quality and potential. Applicants are required to read the Project Development Funding Guidelines and discuss their project with a member of the ACTF Development team before applying for development funding. More information about the ACTF’s Project Development funding, including deadlines for applications, can be found here.
You can also check out the types of support available from Screen Australia, or your State or Territory's screen funding agency, such as Film Victoria.

Does the ACTF provide production investment?
The ACTF supports production through distribution advances and/or equity investment in high quality Australian children’s projects. Applicants should discuss their projects with the ACTF’s Head of Content, Bernadette O’Mahony, as early as possible. More information about this can be found here.

If our school has purchased an ACTF educational program or Digital Curriculum Resource, are we allowed to copy it and distribute it throughout our school, including uploading it to the school’s hard drive?
The purchase price of the program or Digital Curriculum Resource includes a licence to upload the program or Digital Curriculum Resource to the school network/intranet or hard drive for educational purposes. You must not make the program or Digital Curriculum Resource (or a copy) or any part of it available outside the school, including to other schools. You must not copy a program or upload a Digital Curriculum Resource or any part of it to exchanges that are shared with other schools, or to the internet.
You may make modifications to the program or Digital Curriculum Resource’s components, such as amending a worksheet or changing the format of a clip. Any such modification remains the property of the ACTF and must be treated like an original component of the program or Digital Curriculum Resource.
If you make hardcopy printouts of the program or Digital Curriculum Resource , such as by printing worksheets or an image contained within the resource, all copies should be recorded and reported to the Copyright Agency Limited, just as you would report a photocopy of an article from a journal.

What are the payment options for schools when ordering programs or other resources?
You can pay by Mastercard or Visa.

Where do I get advice about making programs that can be classified C or P?
The Children's Television Standards set out the criteria for the C (children's) or P (preschoolers') classifications. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (the ACMA) administers the C and P classifications. For more information, visit:
- Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)
- Children's Television Standards
- ACMA guide to the Children's Television Standards
- ABC Code of Practice – C and P classifications only apply to content shown on commercial free-to-air broadcasters (Seven, Nine and Ten). Children's and preschool content shown on the ABC is rated G.

Can my school copy a program off-air?
Yes, provided you have a Screenrights Licence, you may copy off-air for educational purposes. This includes copying programs to keep in the library, or to show to students as part of a class. Further details can be found on the Screenrights website. Please note that Screenrights licences do not cover the copying of purchased programs.

Does the ACTF still sell or support the Kahootz software?
No. Kahootz is no longer supported for PC or Mac operating systems and is no longer available for sale.

I have purchased an ACTF program for education use . What am I allowed to do with it?
The purchase price of the program includes a licence to use on teacher and student devices within the school for educational purposes. The program or copies of the program (nor any part of them) may not be provided to anyone outside of the school for which the program was bought. You must not copy a program or upload a program or any part of it to exchanges that are shared with other schools, or to the internet.

Why is there a price difference for the ACTF's Home-Use and School-Use DVDs?

How do I make a complaint about inappropriate television programs for children on TV?
You should contact the broadcaster directly to complain about the program. Information about lodging a complaint with a commercial television station is available on the Free TV Australia website. If you want to complain to the ABC, you can find more information on the ABC website. If your complaint is about a pay-television channel, we recommend contacting the Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association to get appropriate advice and contacts for the complaint. Once you've complained to the broadcaster, if you're not happy with its answer, or you don't receive a reply within 60 days, you can take your complaint to the Australian Media and Communications Authority..

Does the ACTF employ writers, freelance crew or actors?
The ACTF does not directly hire cast and crew for production work. We occasionally hire writers or script editors to assist with a project we have invested in. Writers who would like to be considered for this type of work can send their CVs to Bernadette O'Mahony, Head of Content.

If I have purchased an ACTF program for home use, what am I allowed to do with it?
All you can do is watch it at home! You can't copy a Home-Use program; even for personal use; and you must not make it available to anyone outside of your home.

How do I become an actor?
Interested in becoming an actor?
- Start by doing lots of amateur acting or sign up for your school’s drama class
- Keep an eye out for open casting calls in newspapers or online
- If you’re really keen, you should get a reputable agent. The Media Arts and Entertainment Alliance has Agent Lists per state on their website (here is the one for Victoria) and may be able to offer further advice.
- Watch lots of TV/theatre performances/films and be inspired by your favourite actors
- Never give up!