Eighth National Interactive Teaching and Learning Conference
Presentation: Deborah Cohen
Topic: Harvesting digital technologies to engage digital learners
Sponsorship: Consultant Package
Venue: Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School, Melbourne, Vic
Website: We live in a digital multi-media age for which new skills and strategies are required. There is now a dynamic integrative relationship between new literacies and traditional literacies which changes the whole continuum. We have to grasp that the use of new literacies generates innovation and literacies from now on will be constantly changing. (Prof. Len Unsworth, 2008)
Television, film and digital technologies are powerful vehicles that provide constant messages about culture, community values and identity. How do educators use these vehicles for positive development and discernment about what, who, how and why the messages are conceived and delivered.
Educators should encourage students to be critical and discerning consumers of the media technologies present to them everyday. Most importantly, today’s youth want to design and create their own messages (objects, opinions and communities) interacting with digital technologies. They are aware of the potentials of public display and avidly seek opportunities to communicate with their peers, globally and locally.
The presentation will highlight the development and application of ACTF’s digital education resources for online and IWB use and encourage discussion on how educators can adopt interactive strategies to heighten learning outcomes.