Using This Resource

This learning resource was designed for secondary English and/or Media Arts students in Years 7 and 8. Crazy Fun Park is rated PG — parental guidance is recommended for viewers under the age of 15.

The resource was created with self-directed and reflective learning in mind — prompts can be used in the classroom or given to students as flipped learning activities, allowing them to reflect and prepare for broader class conversations.

The learning prompts developed for each episode link to the Australian Curriculum and the series’ major themes of grief, friendship, and adolescence. Each episode features four prompts — two related to English and two related to Media Arts. Definitions are included for words or phrases that may be unfamiliar to students.

Young People and Grief

Director, Nicholas Verso, says, ‘The series explores how kids might deal with the loss of a friend, demystifying death and the grieving process. Not by providing a necessarily realistic depiction of life after death, but by employing sensitivity and humour to touch on issues that are often swept under the rug — how we cope with loss and grief, how to let go, and the importance of making the most of our lives.’

The loss of a friend can evoke profound and enduring reactions in young people, particularly when caused by traumatic events like accidents or suicides. Friendship, longing, and remembrance play a crucial role in the grieving process. Grief reactions can impact all aspects of life — relationships, school, work, mental and emotional health, physical well-being, and overall development. Support and togetherness among friends during these times, especially for young people, is often vital.

Crazy Fun Park may lead to questions, trigger emotions, and stir up memories. Teachers are encouraged to watch the series and explore the resource before sharing it with their students.

Kids Helpline

If Crazy Fun Park or this learning resource raises issues for your students, Kids Helpline’s qualified counsellors are available via WebChat, phone, or email at any time and for any reason. Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Visit or call 1800 55 1800.


We welcome feedback from teachers who have delivered and adapted our resources. Please reach out to with questions, comments, or suggestions.


Crazy Fun Park was rated by the Australian Broadcast Corporation (ABC) in 2022. All episodes are rated PG (Parental Guidance). Parental Guidance is recommended for viewers under the age of 15. The content is mild in impact.

The impact of PG-classified films and computer games should be no higher than mild, but they may contain content that children find confusing or upsetting and may require the guidance of parents, teachers, or guardians.

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