April 20th 2021


ACTF Education: Promoting Australian Stories in the Classroom

Children love watching high-quality Australian series at home, and teachers love content which reflects children’s lives and experiences on screen. The ACTF’s Education team identifies and highlights the curriculum relevance of locally-produced TV series and films and provides curated content advice for teachers to ensure a legacy for Australian content in schools.

ACTF Education offers teachers a range of free, curriculum-mapped resources and professional learning opportunities. Our team also hosts a range of live webinar events, scriptwriting workshops and writing initiatives to connect students across Australia to actors, scriptwriters, producers, and directors. Regardless of location, ACTF Education’s virtual events provide schools a window into the creative people behind the content and opportunities to develop students’ media literacy skills. Free filmmaking apps are also designed to empower children as content creators.

New Commonwealth funding, which starts from 1 July 2021, has given the ACTF the capacity to support many more projects. This funding is for more of everything the ACTF does, in as flexible and ambitious a way as possible, for significantly more productions and for as many platforms as possible. For our Education team, this means a greater volume and diversity of Australian stories to introduce to the classroom.  

The ACTF’s Education team is:

  • Peter Maggs, ACTF Head of Education. Peter builds partnerships with State and Territory education departments and like-minded organisations in the education sector. He oversees the development of digital resources and projects, and empowers teachers and children to become innovative, creative, and collaborative digital participants.
  • Janine Kelly, ACTF Curriculum Manager. Janine produces teaching and learning resources which complement ACTF content and are aligned to the Australian Curriculum. She provides support for teachers using ACTF materials through workshops, seminars, and outreach to schools. 

Educators: Contact our friendly team for tailored content recommendations and more information about how we can best support you in the classroom.

Producers: Looking to get in touch about education materials for your series? The first point of contact is the ACTF’s Content Team – chat to us early in the development and/or financing stage to find out how the ACTF might be able to assist you.

See also:

July 12th 2024

Meet Australian Olympian swimmer, Wilhelmina Wylie

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July 12th 2024

New release: Windcatcher learning resource

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July 12th 2024

Coming soon to cinemas: Runt film adaptation

Written by Craig Silvey and illustrated by Sara Acton, the novel Runt was published in 2022 and was named the 2023 Book of the Year for Younger Readers by the Children’s Book Council of Australia. Australian schools will soon have the chance to enjoy this story on screen.

June 28th 2024

NSW Year 9 English unit: ‘Exploring the Speculative’

The New South Wales Department of Education has featured episodes of the comedy-horror series Crazy Fun Park in resources designed for the Year 9, Term 4 program 'Exploring the Speculative'.  

May 9th 2024

Consent and Respectful Relationships: Screen texts to support learning

Our resources related to consent and respectful relationships education are regularly sought out by teachers. Many ACTF-supported series and resources can support learning in primary and secondary classrooms. 

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