Where to Find the ACTF at Screen Forever

SPA’s 2021 Screen Forever conference offers a range of thought-provoking opportunities to discuss the world of children’s television. Here's where you can find us at this year’s conference.

Screen Forever Digital Bronze Pass Giveaway

Australia’s flagship screen industry conference and content market, SCREEN FOREVER, has just launched an interactive digital platform! Thanks to our friends at Screen Producers Australia, we have 1 FREE Bronze Pass to give away. 

Who Got Funded by the ACTF in a Bumper Year for the Development of Australian Children’s Television?

The ACTF has received a record number of applications for development support in 2020 and committed over $500,000 across the year, to support the development of film and television projects which aim to engage, stimulate and entertain Australian children.

Register Now for the ACTF's Funding Webinar

On 30 September 2020 the Minister of Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts, the Hon Paul Fletcher announced that the Commonwealth Government would be providing the Australian Children’s Television Foundation with $20 million over 2 years from 1 July 2021 to boost the development, production and distribution of high-quality Australian children’s content. Join us for a live webinar presentation on the 10th December 2020 to find out how the funding will be applied and to meet the ACTF team.

And We’re Off! MaveriX Gears Up for Production in 2021

The 10 x 30-minute episodes are set in the world of Motocross and feature a diverse group of teenagers driven to succeed in their chosen sport.
Showing 61 to 65 of 132 rows.

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