
New to the shop: Mandarin language content for F-2 audiences

Children identify with the characters, settings and events in locally produced content partly because these are known and familiar. Mandarin language teachers, why not leverage this prior knowledge and introduce these Mandarin versions of Australian series to your junior classes?

In Kangaroo Beach, four young animal friends, Pounce, Gemma, Neville and Frizzy, spend an action-packed summer training as junior cadets. Lifeguards Bondi, Sandy and Big Trev impart water safety knowledge and skills that will help keep the cadets and other beachgoers safe all summer.

With a Mandarin version of this animated series just added to the ACTF Shop, Mandarin LOTE students can now develop language skills while also consolidating their water safety understandings.

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The Hoopla Doopla!: English & Chinese Language Resource is also available to download from the ACTF Shop. A light-hearted live action series, Hoopla Doopla! forefronts circus skills and comedy when sharing stories about six extraordinary friends from the town of Hoopla.

This resource includes English and Mandarin versions of 13 Hoopla Doopla! episodes, along with learning sequences which explore Chinese celebrations, holidays and festivals – a great addition for F-2 Mandarin classrooms.


See also:

March 3rd 2025

Screen stories to share with your class for International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. These screen stories about change-making Australian girls and women will help primary and secondary teachers explore this year’s theme: Accelerate Action.

February 19th 2025

Mischief meets Mission Impossible as Knee High Spies goes into production

An ambitious new children’s series featuring state-of-the-art puppets, animatronics, VFX and live-action performances has begun filming in Melbourne, brought to life by a team of some of Australia’s most experienced kids’ TV creators.

February 18th 2025

Stan and the Australian Children’s Television Foundation announce Whale Shark Jack

Stan and the ACTF have announced the second family feature film to be made as part of their landmark partnership, Whale Shark Jack, is currently in production in Western Australia.

December 3rd 2024

Our top 5 education resources for 2024

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December 3rd 2024

Virtual workshops to watch with your primary class

The ACTF delivers fun and engaging virtual learning events, supporting students to learn about how screen stories are told. We’ve rounded up eight of our past workshops which are now available on demand.

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