September 2nd 2019


Exploring Mental Health with Mustangs FC

Teachers, are you looking for mental health lesson plans ahead of this year’s R U OK Day? The Mustangs FC Teaching Toolkit contains relevant learning tasks and discussion starters for primary and secondary students.

With the help of relatable screen content made just for them, children and teens can rehearse strategies for coping with life’s challenges and disappointments. Quality children’s series also give parents and teachers a springboard for discussion and learning.

In Lockie Leonard, for example, 12-year old Lockie struggles with his transition to a new town, a new school, and his mum’s hospitalisation due to depression. The series’ sensitive depiction of depression helps its tween and teen viewers to process personal experiences with mental illness. Mustangs FC, a recent teen series about an all-girls soccer team, also explores mental health in a sensitive way. 

In Mustangs, high achiever Anusha struggles with anxiety and depression and eventually receives professional help. Lara’s behaviours point to body image issues and a possible eating disorder. And all the lead characters build their resilience through heartbreaking defeats on the field and other life events.

The free Mustangs FC Teaching Toolkit contains lesson plans and discussion starters to explore these themes. This resource is based on series 1 of the popular teen program, and is aimed at Year 5-8 students. Lesson plans could be incorporated in teaching ahead of this year’s R U OK? Day – a national day of action dedicated to supporting those who may be struggling with life’s ups and downs.

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