Series spotlight: Little Lunch

The Office, set in the playground,” is how creators described Little Lunch in the lead up to its launch. A heart-warming series that takes place during the 15-minute primary school morning tea break, Little Lunch broke new ground by using mockumentary format in Australian children’s television for the first time.

Barrumbi Kids and Crazy Fun Park go global

International audiences will get their first glimpse of two of Australia’s most recent children’s titles, with Barrumbi Kids and Crazy Fun Park sold to broadcasters overseas.

Focus on fun: Enjoyable kids’ content for the classroom

Students will laugh their way through the final days of term with these lighthearted shows.  

View and respond to election campaigns with Little Lunch

When Rory announces that he wants to be the prime minister, Mrs. Gonsha suggests that students run their own election campaigns. Respond to this timely Little Lunch episode with the following Year 3-6 English tasks.

OzKidsTV Series to Stream on Netflix

A new batch of Australian childrens series has just landed on Netflix. Heres the ACTFs recommendations of what to watch.

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