Cross-Curricular Content for Year 5/6 Classrooms

Some of our favourite series for Year 5 and 6 students aren’t just fun to watch: they introduce upper primary curriculum content from a range of learning areas in an engaging way.

Kids’ Content for the International Day of Human Space Flight

The International Day of Human Space Flight is observed on 12 April – a day to celebrate human space travel and the advances made by space science and technology. Are you looking for content to develop students’ knowledge of Earth and space sciences ahead of this day?

Our Top 5 Education Resources

Our latest numbers are in, showing the five most viewed ACTF support materials during Term One. Could these popular teaching resources be used in your classroom next term?

New Release: Are You Tougher than Your Ancestors? Teaching Toolkit

Our latest teaching resource links episodes from the popular living history series Are You Tougher than Your Ancestors? to the HASS curriculum for F-6 students.

Menstrual Management in Schools: Explore the Issue with ACTF Resources

With a pilot program set to provide menstrual products in NSW schools, period poverty is back in the news. Explore issues relating to puberty – including period poverty and body image – with the free Summer’s Day Teaching Toolkit.
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