New Educational Program: Little J and Big Cuz
Premiering on NITV in late April, this new animated series follows five-year old Little J and his nine-year old cousin Big Cuz as they explore the world around them. The series aims to support the transition to school for Indigenous children and their families.
Teaching Resources for ANZAC Day
The ACTF has a range of engaging educational content and support materials related to ANZAC Day.
Professional Learning Webinar – Accessing ACTF Resources in the Classroom
On Thursday 23rd March at 4:00pm, the ACTF Education team will walk primary and secondary teachers through the key new features of our updated ACTF website. Join us if you’re free!
Little J And Big Cuz Launches At MIPTV!
The ACTF is bringing upcoming animated series Little J and Big Cuz (Ned Lander Media) to international TV and digital content market ‘MIPTV’ this April.
Dance Academy Movie To Premiere In Sydney
Dance Academy – the feature film spin-off of the beloved television series will officially premiere this month in Sydney, its home town.