ACTF Approves $584,830.37 in Script Development Funding in 2020-21 Financial Year

In 2020-21 the ACTF approved a record level of development funding - $584,830.37 - in 16 projects. They included live-action and animated projects for all age groups.

ACTF content reaches audiences worldwide

The appetite for Australian children’s television content overseas has remained strong during the Covid-19 pandemic, with shows from the ACTF’s award-winning catalogue picked up right across the globe during 2021.

Screen Producers Australia Awards announces first finalists

Five TV shows supported by the Australian Children’s Television Foundation (ACTF) have been announced as finalists at the Screen Producers Australia Awards.

Australian Kids’ Series celebrated at awards and festivals around the world

It’s been a great year for Australian children’s shows making their mark around the world.

Catch Three of the Latest ACTF Kids Programs at MIPCOM

ACTF showcases three of its latest programs at MIPCOM next week with all three programs now available to screen via the MIPCOM digital platform.
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