Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Language |
Language for interacting with others
Recognise how language shapes relationships and roles.
Identify and use vocabulary typical of academic texts.
Recognise how language empowers relationships and roles.
Analyse how vocabulary choices contribute to style, mood and tone.
Understand how language can have inclusive and exclusive social effects, and can empower or disempower people.
Use an expanded technical and academic vocabulary for precision when writing academic texts.
Literature | Engaging with and responding to literature
Share opinions about the language features, literary devices and text structures that contribute to the styles of literary texts.
Present a personal response to a literary textcomparing initial impressions and subsequent analysis of the whole text.
Analyse how the aesthetic qualities associated with text structures, language features, literary devices and visual features, and the context in which these texts are experienced, influence audience response.
Literature | Examining literature
Analyse how language features such as sentence patterns create tone, and literary devices such as imagery create meaning and effect.
Analyse texts and evaluate the aesthetic qualities and appeal of an author’s literary style.
Analyse how text structure, language features, literary devices and intertextual connections shape interpretations of texts.
Literature | Creating literature
Create and edit literary texts that experiment with language features and literary devices for particular purposes and effects.
Create and edit literary texts, that may be a hybrid, that experiment with text structures, language features and literary devices for purposes and audiences.
Compare and evaluate how “voice” as a literary device is used in different types of texts, such as poetry, novels and film, to evoke emotional responses.
Literacy | Texts in context
Identify how texts reflect contexts.
Use comprehension strategies such as visualising, predicting, connecting, summarising, monitoring, questioning and inferring to interpret and evaluate ideas in texts.
Analyse how representations of people, places, events and concepts reflect contexts.
Use comprehension strategies such as visualising, predicting, connecting, summarising, monitoring, questioning and inferring to compare and contrast ideas and opinions in and between texts.
Analyse and evaluate how people, places, events and concepts are represented in texts and reflect contexts.
Analyse and evaluate how language features are used to implicitly or explicitly represent values, beliefs and attitudes.
Literacy | Creating texts
Plan, create, rehearse and deliver spoken and multimodal presentations for audiences and purposes, selecting language features, literary devices, visual features and features of voice to suit formal or informal situations, and organising and developing ideas in texts in ways that may be imaginative, reflective, informative, persuasive and/or analytical.
Plan, create, rehearse and deliver spoken and multimodal presentations for purpose and audience, using language features, literary devices and features of voice such as volume, tone, pitch and pace, and organising, expanding and developing ideas in ways that may be imaginative, reflective, informative, persuasive, analytical and/or critical.
Plan, create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts, organising, expanding and developing ideas through experimenting with text structures, language features, literary devices and multimodal features for specific purposes and audiences in ways that may be imaginative, reflective, informative, persuasive, analytical and/or critical.